Philanthropy California: Impact Investing

From learning to action, Philanthropy California partners with our statewide members to increase impact investment knowledge and action in California.


Impact investing can complement grantmaking strategies and go beyond grant dollars to align investments with the social impacts philanthropy seeks while meeting fiduciary requirements. 

Learn & Connect

Philanthropy California leverages a shared learning agenda for impact investing across our state by offering opportunities to learn about impact investing across a range of experience levels and issue areas. 

Take Action


To mobilize more impact investment dollars in our region, Philanthropy California partnered with RBC Global to launch Investing for Impact: A Philanthropy California Investment Collaborative, which provides a coordinated approach for investors to direct market-rate investments to California with a specific focus on underserved communities and families. 
The Investment Collaborative catalyzes like-minded investors seeking to support social outcomes in California across a breadth of impact focuses and supports an investor cohort to bring investment officers together to foster peer learning across impact investment strategies.


All dollars go to support affordable housing, job creation and small business growth, increased access to healthcare and education, and related community development measures for populations too often left behind, as well as environmental sustainability to help create thriving long-term communities. 


The Collaborative combines the opportunity for a broad range of asset owners across the State to invest together and measure the social impact of the combined investments, with the opportunity for competitive market-rate returns. The cohort of social impact investors is brought together to review impact, learn from one another, and grow their practice. To learn more, read the announcement release or visit RBC's page here

Get Involved

To speak with Philanthropy California about our Impact Investing work, please contact:
Megan Thomas, Interim President, Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties
Sarah Frankfurth, Director of Regional Programs and Partnerships, Northern California Grantmakers
Katy Pelissier, Director, Programs & Conferences, SoCal Grantmakers

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