
San Francisco Foundation - Rapid Response Fund for Movement Building

The Rapid Response Fund for Movement Building provides small, one-time grants to frontline grassroots organizations for new projects. These projects should address an unexpected, urgent event or external challenge while strengthening the voice and power of low-income residents and people of color. Between November 15, 2024, and January 31, 2025. the Fund will only accept applications for projects that are: 

  • related to the outcome of the 2024 general election, such as protest and actions in solidarity with targeted communities (e.g., immigrants, LGBTQIA+, and Black, Indigenous and People of Color) and supporting community and organizer safety (e.g., trainings, wellness, and legal defense needs). 
  • administered by a 501(c)(3) organization for non-lobbying purposes.
  • support efforts within the five Bay Area counties. 

These funds are typically available within 30 days of receiving a funding request. Given that November through January are very busy months for several key SFF departments that support grantmaking, we ask for more flexibility than usual in processing RRF grants. 

Additionally, applications should address the following criteria:

  • Timely and urgent: Your organization must be responding to an unanticipated catalyzing event or urgent external challenge.
  • Opportunity for immediate impact: The project is strategic with a clear timeline and goals, with the desired outcomes having the potential to positively affect the community right away.
  • Clear focus on racial and/or economic equity: Your project specifically addresses racial and/or economic inequities. It should demonstrate a clear equity framework, explicitly responding to the unique needs, challenges, and strengths of marginalized communities.
  • Movement- and power-building: The project must aim to build the voice and power of people of color or other marginalized communities.
  • Representative leadership and staff: The project must be led by those who are most impacted by the racial and economic inequities that the effort aims to address (e.g. communities of color, immigrants, refugees, formerly incarcerated residents, youth, low-wage workers, people with disabilities, low-income residents, LGBTQ community members, etc.)


Region(s) Served: Northern California
Targeted Communities: Community-Based Organizations, 501(c)3 status
Target Focus/Issue Area(s): Democracy & Civic Engagement, Equity & Racial Justice, Justice Reform, Public & Policy & Government Relations 
Type of Support: Grants
Funding Accessibility: Open for submissions
Scale of Funding Offered: $0 - $25k
Timeline of Grant Period: 6 months - 1 year



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