The UC San Diego COVID-19 Response Discretionary Fund has been established to support our students, patients, caregivers, and community at this unprecedented moment for our university and the world. The fund will allow us to address the greatest needs in this evolving situation including critical supplies, expanded testing and diagnostics, supporting displaced and impacted members of the UC San Diego community, and research efforts to better understand and respond to COVID-19. VISIT FUND


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Funders Together to End Homelessness San Diego, a collaborative of San Diego Grantmakers, has established a fund to pay for hotel rooms for homeless seniors and others who are at higher risk of contracting COVID-19. There are over 2000 homeless people in San Diego who are age 65+ living on the streets and in crowded shelters. The County of San Diego, and other government entities, are securing hotel rooms for people who have already contracted COVID-19. This fund expands upon those efforts by targeting people who are high-risk but have not yet gotten sick. VISIT FUND


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COVID-19 has directly impacted funding for some of Mexico’s most vital Community Funds. As uncertainty heightens, we need to ensure the future of Mexico by addressing the communities’ most critical needs. Your support will allow us to continue to make weekly rapid response grants from a number of funds. VISIT FUND


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Organizations that rely on volunteers to deliver services are finding themselves woefully shorthanded. Older adults who need nutrition, medical assistance and socialization, are at great risk. And with Spring nonprofit fundraisers cancelled, many organizations are facing the daunting prospect of losing significant anticipated revenue for the year. In addition, those that work in lower paying and hourly jobs - in hospitality, retail, services and the like - are forgoing pay during closures, placing enormous pressure on already challenging circumstances. Because of these far-reaching effects,...


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The scientific and health care communities need support to address the public health threat posed by the virus. This includes research, logistics, communications, and data management as well as efforts to acquire necessary equipment, and build appropriate, temporary facilities. Additional public health needs will undoubtedly emerge as our community weathers the COVID-19 challenge. VISIT FUND


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The economic and personal impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic are growing and potentially devastating for small businesses in California and beyond. Due to drops in consumer demand, small businesses—more likely owned by immigrants, women and people of color— and their employees are affected more quickly and severely versus large firms. Even before a crisis, a significant portion of self-employed and small business owners had low and inconsistent incomes and were financially stressed. When small businesses fail, the owners, their families, their employees and whole communities suffer. VISIT FUND


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Over the last 34 years, Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund has stepped in to provide help and hope to households facing unexpected crises throughout the nine counties of the Bay Area — Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma. Our assistance keeps thousands of individuals and families in their homes and puts food on their tables as they get back on their feet. How is Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund responding to the COVID-19 pandemic? We have expedited over $1.9 million in emergency assistance funds to our county partners to be used for...


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Due to the rising impact of the COVID-19 virus, the Central Valley Community Foundation (CVCF) has launched an Emergency Response Fund to help our region meet the developing challenges linked with this virus. Based on input from our nonprofit partners, we are identifying the highest priority community needs and have distinguished three key focus areas for the Fund: Food distribution, particularly for vulnerable population Urgent support for healthcare workers Coordinated communication of reliable public information VISIT FUND


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The PCF COVID-19 Response Fund provides flexible resources to Pasadena-based organizations as they respond to the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus and quarantines. PCF has made an initial commitment of $100,000 to provide local relief, and donors may make charitable gifts to the fund that will benefit both urgent and long-term community needs. VISIT FUND


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Children in low-income and first-responder families across our region will experience hardship as a result of the Coronavirus crisis and recent school closures. From more limited access to school breakfast and lunch to a shortage of reliable childcare, families already struggling to make ends meet are disproportionately affected by the current situation. This fund will help ensure local children have access to food assistance, childcare, and remote learning opportunities during these unprecedented times. San Diego for Every Child established the San Diego COVID-19 Children's Fund in...


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