Santa Monica is a strong community with a long history of helping those in need. 79.8% of residents see themselves as a member of the community, and 74% feel they can count on their neighbors.
For immediate support of vulnerable people in Palo Alto, East Palo Alto and Menlo Park
The Oakland COVID-19 Relief Fund provides immediate grants to nonprofit organizations working on the frontlines. We are committed to a thoughtful, rapid, and transparent process to disburse the funds collected.
Across San Diego County, there is an ever-increasing number of people who are without a paycheck or with a significantly reduced paycheck, leaving these families food insecure and often unable to pay their rent.
To provide grants to Kern County nonprofit organizations serving vulnerable populations and/or those who can present a clear case of direct impact due to the medical or economic effects of the pandemic.
We at The Community Foundation of Mendocino County have been closely following the novel coronavirus, and are taking necessary precautions.
Philanthropy California is an alliance of Northern California Grantmakers, Southern California Grantmakers, and Catalyst of San Diego and Imperial Counties. We partner with the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (CAL OES) to support immediate disaster relief and long-term recovery efforts.
Philanthropy California is an alliance of Northern California Grantmakers, Southern California Grantmakers, and Catalyst of San Diego and Imperial Counties. We partner with the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) to support immediate disaster relief and long-term recovery efforts.
The Center for Disease Control is taking aggressive public health measures to help protect the health of Americans against coronavirus, COVID-2019, and we need your help to mobilize quickly.
Hosted by the East Bay Community Foundation, COVID-19: A Just East Bay Response Fund will rapidly deploy resources to organizations addressing the economic impact of the broader COVID-19 outbreak, including the immediate needs of communities and organizations affected by coronavirus-related closu
The purpose of the Rapid Response Fund is to support those organizations providing basic human needs to individuals and families in Ventura County.
The IE Funders Alliance Rapid Response Fund has been established by the Funders Alliance of San Bernardino & Riverside Counties to provide critical and timely support for nonprofits providing services in Riverside and San Bernardino counties in response to the COVID-19 crisis and the negative
The Tahoe Truckee Emergency Response Fund was established in March of 2020 to respond to local needs during the COVID-19 crisis. Currently, we are taking donations to respond to local needs related to fires and the pandemic.
Several wildfires have ravaged Northern California over the past few years. United Way of Northern California is accepting donations, offering help and supporting programs to assist with relief and long-term recovery operations.
Several wildfires have ravaged Northern California over the past few years. United Way of Northern California is accepting donations, offering help and supporting programs to assist with relief and long-term recovery operations.
Several wildfires have ravaged Northern California over the past few years. United Way of Northern California is accepting donations, offering help and supporting programs to assist with relief and long-term recovery operations.
The changing demographics and political attitudes of the Central Valley - a traditionally conservative region of California - demand new strategies for community and civic engagement.
Over the last several years, communities across California have experienced a whiplash of disaster impacts from catastrophic wildfires, to record snow, to extreme heat and drought, to severe flooding. The seemingly continuous cycle of climate threat in vulnerable communities, coupled with a focus by funders on immediate response, leaves communities with next to no resources to build broad long-term, equity-driven resilience to recurring natural hazards and humanitarian disasters.
Last year, Philanthropy California hosted a conversation titled: California Disaster Philanthropy Briefing: From Episodic Relief to Transformative Resilience where we uplifted the need for philanthropy to resource transformative resilience and shift away from ineffective models of funding disasters only in the immediate aftermath of a specific event. Public and private funding should move towards long-term investments in building the capacity of communities to respond, recover, and build resilience to all types of hazards. In light of recent events across the state, we are uplifting the need for immediate response and renewing our call for a significant shift in the way funders across California approach climate and disaster grantmaking.