About this Series
Western landscapes have always burned and always will. The more we suppress fire and change the climate, the more catastrophic wildfires become. How can we make communities and wild lands more resilient in the age of megafire?
Across the nation, numerous initiatives and programs are converging to create an increased focus on nonprofit overhead and funding the full cost of program delivery. As this conversation takes place nationally, we are engaging California funders in a dialogue that can shape better outcomes for the sector.
California's economy will recover faster than the U.S.
Commitment to doing good means commitment to providing for the actual cost to make change happen. We’re accustomed to seeing certain expenses on a balance sheet, but others are often disguised or hidden from view in order to meet the restrictions built into grants.
The California Endowment pledged $10 million to the state's $90 million efforts to get a fair and accurate count in the 2020 Census. The pledge fits in with increased awareness and funding from regional funders of the challenges facing the 2020 Census.
The 2020 Census will likely be the most difficult census in recent history, and there could not be more at stake.
Over the weekend, the Carr Fire in Shasta County intensified, with nearly 100,000 acres now burned, over 720 homes and 240 other buildings destroyed, and six deaths.
COVID 19 is leading to an economic collapse of proportions we have not seen since the Great Depression.
Over the past few months, the COVID-19 pandemic and recent events surrounding the murder of George Floyd have only further exposed the large and pre-existing health, racial, economic, and regional disparities across our state.
SCG’s Education Funders Group invites you to join us for a conversation about the history, accomplishments, and current initiatives of the L.A. Compact. For over a decade, the L.A.
Philanthropy California and Grantmakers Concerned for Immigrants and Refugees are proud to stand united with immigrant families, and for a vibrant and inclusive California for all. We are grateful for the leadership and the perseverance of this community as we look to the future of California and the promise it holds. Below are the organizations that stand with us for immigrants targeted by the 'public charge' rule, and share the views in the opinion piece here, Californians, stand up for immigrants targeted by ‘public charge’ rule published today in the San Francisco Chronicle.
About this Series
Western landscapes have always burned and always will. The more we suppress fire and change the climate, the more catastrophic wildfires become. How can we make communities and wild lands more resilient in the age of megafire?
Governor Gavin Newsom and his administration have taken significant steps to put California on the path towards a greener, more sustainable climate future. So far, Governor Newsom has pledged to conserve 30 percent of the state's land and coastal water by 2030, announced a phase-out of gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035, and proposed a comprehensive job and climate action plan. The state is enacting bold strategies to combat climate change, all while seeking to reduce the state's carbon footprint and bolster long-term economic growth. In September 2020, the Governor also directed the Office of Planning and Research to partner with the Labor and Workforce Development Agency to design and deliver the state's first High Road Transition Roadmap by July 2021.
Across the nation, numerous initiatives and programs are converging to create an increased focus on nonprofit overhead and funding the full cost of program delivery.
California has long been home to a special kind of American Dream. People from all walks of life come to our state to find opportunity and prosperity.
We voice our unequivocal support for the “Johnson Amendment” – the long-standing federal law that prohibits 501(c)(3) charitable organizations from endorsing, opposing or contributing to political candidates and engaging in partisan campaign activities.
This spring, Philanthropy California made its debut on Capitol Hill with our state’s largest organized delegation ever.
Independent researcher and demographer Dr. William P. O’Hare published a report on the changing demographics of California and their impact on the 2020 Census. The report focuses on the fastest growing groups in the state as well as the largest nine counties. Dr.
The systems and infrastructure that support and protect the most vulnerable immigrants have been affected by cuts in refugee admissions to the U.S., federal funding cuts, and administrative barriers that continue to make seeking protection from persecution more difficult every day.