The half-day summit provides a space to learn with your fellow funders, community, and thought leaders about the most pressing gender equity issues that are facing our region.
The inclusion of the citizenship status question on the next census has funders and advocates even more worried about getting a full and accurate count in 2020. The concerns add to earlier warnings about low funding, access and data security.
Philanthropy California joined the League of California Community Foundations to urge the Department of Commerce to withdraw the citizenship question from the 2020 Census questionnaire as it will significantly undermine efforts to achieve a fair and accurate census.
Today in the Bay Area, 1 in 5 people have less than $400 in savings. COVID-19 is only intensifying this financial strain due to loss in wages. For hourly workers, losing a shift can mean the difference in stable housing and eviction.
As the capital region’s community foundation, we are uniquely positioned to respond to local emergencies.
The Open Hearts Foundation created an Emergency Relief Fund as part of its grantmaking program to provide grants in support of emerging and growing non-profits on the frontlines who are serving women and children through this pandemic.
Philanthropy’s response to the novel coronavirus has been quick and generous. Many are asking, “Who have we reached? Who have we missed?”
We are helping our partners at Candid track philanthropy’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. We urge our members to share what they’ve done in this publicly available map
Hurricane Dorian devastated northern Bahamas and has left tens of thousands of residents displaced. The storm was the biggest to make landfall in the Atlantic and the strongest hurricane to hit the Bahamas. In the U.S., Hurricane Dorian skirted the East Coast of Florida and is moving along the coast South Carolina and North Carolina. It is battering the Carolinas with flooding, rain, storm surge, high winds, and tornadoes.
Native American Community Response Fund is a rapid response fund working to deploy trust-based funding to Native-led organizations serving individuals and families
The Philanthropy California team continues to track federal, state and local government responses and available resources to help you navigate critical information for your grantees and the communities we serve. This page is updated regularly.
Philanthropy California has invited Kathleen Kelly Janus, Senior Advisor on Social Innovation to Governor Gavin Newsom, to use our platform to provide an update from the Office of the Governor on California's public-private partnerships.
Foundation Stats: California, is an initiative of Candid in partnership with Philanthropy California. It provides an at-a-glance overview of institutional philanthropic information for the State of California and its composite regions. This dashboard updates daily as new data comes online.
Philanthropy California is proud to partner with the Women’s Foundation of California, a statewide, publicly supported foundation dedicated to achieving gender, racial, and economic justice by centering the experience and expertise of communities most impacted by systemic injustice.
Over the last several years, communities across California have experienced a whiplash of disaster impacts from catastrophic wildfires, to record snow, to extreme heat and drought, to severe flooding. The seemingly continuous cycle of climate threat in vulnerable communities, coupled with a focus by funders on immediate response, leaves communities with next to no resources to build broad long-term, equity-driven resilience to recurring natural hazards and humanitarian disasters.
Last year, Philanthropy California hosted a conversation titled: California Disaster Philanthropy Briefing: From Episodic Relief to Transformative Resilience where we uplifted the need for philanthropy to resource transformative resilience and shift away from ineffective models of funding disasters only in the immediate aftermath of a specific event. Public and private funding should move towards long-term investments in building the capacity of communities to respond, recover, and build resilience to all types of hazards. In light of recent events across the state, we are uplifting the need for immediate response and renewing our call for a significant shift in the way funders across California approach climate and disaster grantmaking.
Defy: Disaster, a program of the Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF), is the entertainment community's collective and immediate response to natural disasters.
California communities and funders are not new to responding to catastrophic wildfires. Neither are communities and funders in many other regions of the United States.
The Philanthropy California team will continue to monitor federal and state public policy developments to help funders stay informed, take action, and support their grantees and local communities.
The Rapid Response Fund for Movement Building provides small, one-time grants to frontline grassroots organizations for new projects.