On August 7th, join the International Community Foundation in following the footsteps of migrants as they are sent across the border to Tijuana, and hear from those that are working to support them through these challenging first days, months, and even years.
As Philanthropy California, we join our partners in philanthropy, along with advocates and immigrant communities, in calling for an end to the practice of separating children from their parents as part of the Administration’s “zero tolerance” policy on the U.S.-Mexico border.
As California prepares for its first all-mail voting election, philanthropy can provide resources in critical areas to ensure that all voters – particularly people of color, immigrants, new voters, and first-time voters – can participate in our democracy.
As California prepares for its first all-mail voting election, philanthropy can provide resources in critical areas to ensure that all voters – particularly people of color, immigrants, new voters, and first-time voters – can fully participate in our democracy.
A California that allows all residents to reach their full potential requires both a focus on racial equity, inclusion, and justice, and a commitment to challenging the systemic issues that permeate our society and government, even in this great state.
About this Series
Western landscapes have always burned and always will. The more we suppress fire and change the climate, the more catastrophic wildfires become. How can we make communities and wild lands more resilient in the age of megafire?
About this Series
Western landscapes have always burned and always will. The more we suppress fire and change the climate, the more catastrophic wildfires become. How can we make communities and wild lands more resilient in the age of megafire?
The 2020 Census will likely be the most difficult census in recent history, and there could not be more at stake.
Dear colleagues,
Today, Governor Gavin Newsom appointed Kathleen Kelly Janus to serve as the state's first Senior Advisor on Social Innovation.
Midterm elections are quickly approaching, and California’s new redistricting lines are already having an effect on the voting landscape.
Over 500 colleagues statewide streamed into our first Philanthropy California Policy Summit virtual conference on April 20th, 2020.
We are reminded, as we close this year, that moments of disruption, such as those we're experiencing, are also moments to advance change.
In philanthropy, we sometimes overlook or deprioritize the interpersonal skills required to do this work well. This includes the ability to connect dots, show up in an emotionally intelligent way, listen actively and empathically, and know when to get out of the way. It also requires a clear understanding of power, and how power imbalances between funders and grantee partners are exacerbated by race, gender, and class inequities. Cultivating and advancing effective interpersonal skills requires practitioners to bring self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and willingness to take multiple perspectives into account.
Bay Area AFN is pleased to release its newest publication authored by the California Immigrant Policy Center (CIPC): Reimagining A More Inclusive Economy: Supporting the Economic Security of Undocumented Immigrants.
Philanthropy California — a statewide alliance of Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties (Catalyst), Northern California Grantmakers (NCG), and SoCal Grantmakers (SCG) — is proud to announce that it has been awarded a two-million-dollar grant from The California Governor's Office of Emerge
As philanthropy increasingly seeks to advance equity in all communities, it needs to understand the demographics of the organizations being funded (and declined), the people being served, and the communities impacted.
Across the nation, numerous initiatives and programs are converging to create an increased focus on nonprofit overhead and funding the full cost of program delivery. As this conversation takes place nationally, we are engaging California funders in a dialogue that can shape better outcomes for the sector.
Together with the League of California Community Foundations, Philanthropy California encourages its members to send letters of public comment related to the U.S. Department of Commerce related to its inclusion of a question about citizenship on the upcoming 2020 Census form.