Philanthropy California’s Fair Representation Fund supports community engagement in California’s 2021 redistricting process.
Donations made to the Emergency Readiness Fund are distributed as strategic grants to emergency readiness and response efforts across Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, and/or Sonoma counties.
California is in the midst of another historic wildfire season. Already, several major and lesser-known fires have destroyed communities and displaced tens of thousands of residents throughout Northern California.
Philanthropy California is an initiative of Northern California Grantmakers (NCG), SoCal Grantmakers (SCG), and San Diego Grantmakers (SDG).
Unprecedented levels of drought continue to plague California and show no signs of slowing down.
What does 2022 have in store for public policy in California?
To ensure economic security for Californians, our public safety net needs to evolve, and that means getting serious about unrestricted cash support at the state level.
A virtual convening featuring Governor Gavin Newsom in conversation with state water leaders.
To capitalize on the growing funder interest in Guaranteed Income, Asset Funders Network (AFN), Economic Security Project (ESP), Springboard to Opportunity and the Center for High Impact Philanthropy at the University of Pennsylvania co-produced a primer to highlight strategic investments funders can make to advance evidence-based GI solutions.
Philanthropy California is an alliance of Northern California Grantmakers, Southern California Grantmakers, and Catalyst of San Diego and Imperial Counties. We partner with the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (CAL OES) to support immediate disaster relief and long-term recovery efforts.
Over the next 20 years in the U.S., $35–70 trillion in wealth will transfer from one generation to another in the largest generational wealth transfer in history, mostly moving within wealthy white families.
Over the next 20 years in the U.S., $35–70 trillion in wealth will transfer from one generation to another in the largest generational wealth transfer in history, mostly moving within wealthy white families. The policies that make possible this protection and accumulation of wealth are situated within the legacy of land theft, genocide of Native people, enslavement of Black people, and exploitation of natural resources. This context of racial capitalism has also given rise to wealth accumulation that, in part, birthed the philanthropic sector. Paradoxically, many of us working within philanthropy aim to contribute to changes in systems, structures, and outcomes that address the harms of interconnected systems like racial capitalism that favor some at the expense of others and the planet.
We know that using data to inform education policy strategies dramatically increases college access and success in post-secondary education. Many states across the country have set statewide attainment goals, and we can now learn from those case studies.
The Maui Strong Fund was created to provide community resilience with resources for disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. The fund is currently being used to support communities affected by the wildfires on Maui.
Hawaiʻi People’s Fund stands in solidarity and full support with those individuals and organizations who have been working to upend and heal systems of oppression for over 50 years.
The Maui Just Recovery Fund, hosted by the Amalgamated Foundation, supports immediate relief efforts to house, feed and support displaced families and dedicate resources for the long term efforts to rebuild and advance structural change. Partners:
Philanthropy California — a statewide alliance of Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties (Catalyst), Northern California Grantmakers (NCG), and SoCal Grantmakers (SCG) — is proud to announce that it has been awarded a two-million-dollar grant from The California Governor's Office of Emerge
Philanthropy California is an alliance of Northern California Grantmakers, Southern California Grantmakers, and Catalyst of San Diego and Imperial Counties. We partner with the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) to support immediate disaster relief and long-term recovery efforts.
Over the last several years, communities across California have experienced a whiplash of disaster impacts from catastrophic wildfires, to record snow, to extreme heat and drought, to severe flooding. The seemingly continuous cycle of climate threat in vulnerable communities, coupled with a focus by funders on immediate response, leaves communities with next to no resources to build broad long-term, equity-driven resilience to recurring natural hazards and humanitarian disasters.
Last year, Philanthropy California hosted a conversation titled: California Disaster Philanthropy Briefing: From Episodic Relief to Transformative Resilience where we uplifted the need for philanthropy to resource transformative resilience and shift away from ineffective models of funding disasters only in the immediate aftermath of a specific event. Public and private funding should move towards long-term investments in building the capacity of communities to respond, recover, and build resilience to all types of hazards. In light of recent events across the state, we are uplifting the need for immediate response and renewing our call for a significant shift in the way funders across California approach climate and disaster grantmaking.
The Greater Los Angeles Education Foundation (GLAEF) has established a dedicated fund to direct vital resources to students, families and educators that have been most affected by the wildfires in Los Angeles County.