TIAH is issuing an urgent call of support for front/second line farmworkers, day laborers, essential workers and families impacted by fires in Los Angeles.
The California Community Foundation Wildfire Recovery Fund focuses on intermediate and long-term recovery needs that follow wildfires in California, with special efforts to serve the most disaster-vulnerable populations including the disabled, farmworkers and other migrant communities whose homes
Wildfires in LA County are affecting tens of thousands of people. United Way focuses on longer-term recovery efforts to support members of our community, and we are working with our community partners to assess the impact on the ground.
The California Black Freedom Fund and California Community Foundation have partnered to launch the Black LA Relief & Recovery Fund.
Philanthropy California is an alliance of Northern California Grantmakers, Southern California Grantmakers, and Catalyst of San Diego and Imperial Counties.
The Fuerza Fund will provide essential resources to help those affected by the devastating Los Angeles wildfires by providing immediate and direct emergency cash assistance to workers and unique households impacted by the wildfires, ensuring no one is left behind.
The Philanthropy California team is coordinating with our members, partners, and state agencies to track and respond to changes in our political landscape and their implications on the nonprofit sector and the communities we serve.
California communities and funders are not new to responding to catastrophic wildfires. Neither are communities and funders in many other regions of the United States.
The Philanthropy California team will be vetting response funds to help grantmakers direct resources to organizations providing urgent support and services to nonprofits and communities affected by the latest public policy developments.
Nonprofits come in all different shapes and sizes.
The changing demographics and political attitudes of the Central Valley - a traditionally conservative region of California - demand new strategies for community and civic engagement.
Join us for Foundations on the Hill (FOTH), a two-day event that brings together hundreds of foundation leaders from across the country to meet with Congress and discuss issues of critical importance to philanthropy.
Join Philanthropy California for Foundations on the Hill (FOTH), a two-day event that brings together hundreds of foundation leaders from across the country to meet with Congress and discuss issues of critical importance to philanthropy. FOTH is our opportunity to share the work of philanthropy so that Members of Congress can take the best practices developed from your grantmaking and scale it up to improve the lives of millions who call our country home.
Children in low-income and first-responder families across our region will experience hardship as a result of the Coronavirus crisis and recent school closures. From more limited access to school breakfast and lunch to a shortage of reliable childcare, families already struggling to make ends mee
Artist Relief is an initiative organized by the Academy of American Poets, Artadia, Creative Capital, Foundation for Contemporary Arts, MAP Fund, National YoungArts Foundation, and United States Artists—all small to mid-sized national arts grantmakers—that have come together in this unprecedented
Governor Gavin Newsom and his administration have taken significant steps to put California on the path towards a greener, more sustainable climate future. So far, Governor Newsom has pledged to conserve 30 percent of the state's land and coastal water by 2030, announced a phase-out of gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035, and proposed a comprehensive job and climate action plan. The state is enacting bold strategies to combat climate change, all while seeking to reduce the state's carbon footprint and bolster long-term economic growth. In September 2020, the Governor also directed the Office of Planning and Research to partner with the Labor and Workforce Development Agency to design and deliver the state's first High Road Transition Roadmap by July 2021.
Who should attend?
This program is created for foundation leaders who are new to an existing impact investing program at their foundations or are considering creating an impact investing program at their foundations.
Ahead of the 2024 General Election, Philanthropy California — the statewide alliance of Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties, Northern California Grantmakers, and SoCal Grantmakers — stands firm in its commitment to a vibrant and inclusive democracy.