It has been a long road as California prepares for the 2020 Census—from budget delays at the federal level and persistent advocacy for adequate state funding, to the pending inclusion of an untested citizenship question. The state has allocated an unprecedented $90.3 million to support the census, but will it be enough to make sure that all California residents—including the 75 percent who are in historically undercounted groups—are counted? With $60 million in state dollars allocated for outreach by counties and community-based organizations, what do funders need to know about the efforts...


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The changing demographics and political attitudes of the Central Valley - a traditionally conservative region of California - demand new strategies for community and civic engagement. To understand the shift in the region and how it is becoming more purple, look no further than the recent mid-term elections. In the race for the 10th congressional district, covering Stanislaus and portions of San Joaquin County, the election was undecided for a week and, at its closest margin, only 1,300 votes separated incumbent Republican Jeff Denham and eventual winner Democrat Josh Harder. A huge...


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