Philanthropy California has invited Kathleen Kelly Janus, Senior Advisor on Social Innovation to Governor Gavin Newsom, to use our platform to provide an update from the Office of the Gorvernor on California's public-private partnerships.
Philanthropy California has invited Kathleen Kelly Janus, Senior Advisor on Social Innovation to Governor Gavin Newsom, to use our platform to provide an update from the Office of the Gorvernor on California's public-private partnerships.
The Philanthropy California team spoke with our friends at Catchafire, a partner of the Annenberg Foundation, Weingart Foundation, and several other California grantmakers. Catchafire provides grantmakers with custom programs to enable capacity-building and operational support at scale for nonprofits, primarily by matching them with virtual, skills-based volunteers. In this blog, its team shared with us what they’ve learned about the needs of California nonprofits during the coronavirus pandemic.
Philanthropy’s response to the novel coronavirus has been quick and generous. Many are asking, “Who have we reached? Who have we missed?”
We are helping our partners at Candid track philanthropy’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. We urge our members to share what they’ve done in this publicly available map
The time to ensure the count is here! The 2020 Census has faced many challenges — the attempt to include an untested citizenship question, delays in funding, and now the untold impact of COVID-19.
The tax and spending legislation — released by bipartisan negotiators and passed by the House of Representatives this week — contains significant victories for private foundations and the nonprofit sector, which will allow more funding to be focus
Philanthropy California and Grantmakers Concerned for Immigrants and Refugees are proud to stand united with immigrant families, and for a vibrant and inclusive California for all. We are grateful for the leadership and the perseverance of this community as we look to the future of California and the promise it holds. Below are the organizations that stand with us for immigrants targeted by the 'public charge' rule, and share the views in the opinion piece here, Californians, stand up for immigrants targeted by ‘public charge’ rule published today in the San Francisco Chronicle.
Hurricane Dorian devastated northern Bahamas and has left tens of thousands of residents displaced. The storm was the biggest to make landfall in the Atlantic and the strongest hurricane to hit the Bahamas. In the U.S., Hurricane Dorian skirted the East Coast of Florida and is moving along the coast South Carolina and North Carolina. It is battering the Carolinas with flooding, rain, storm surge, high winds, and tornadoes.
Despite the Administration’s efforts to weaponize basic needs programs, the new public charge rule will not go unchallenged. Already legal challenges have been filed to prevent the rule from going into effect. Funders can play a critical role in protecting the health and well-being of immigrant families. We're sharing specific actions that funders should consider.