
Your voice matters — join us in standing up for our deepest values and for all of our communities. 


Philanthropy California joined the League of California Community Foundations to urge the Department of Commerce to withdraw the citizenship question from the 2020 Census questionnaire as it will significantly undermine efforts to achieve a fair and accurate census.


Over the weekend, the Carr Fire in Shasta County intensified, with nearly 100,000 acres now burned, over 720 homes and 240 other buildings destroyed, and six deaths.


There is a newer, emerging narrative about California’s future, and it goes like this: the future of California goes through the Central Valley. 


As Philanthropy California, we join our partners in philanthropy, along with advocates and immigrant communities, in calling for an end to the practice of separating children from their parents as part of the Administration’s “zero tolerance” policy on the U.S.-Mexico border.


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