Philanthropy California is an alliance of Northern California, Southern California, and San Diego Grantmakers.
This website provides essential information about how funders can help during this fire season.
Philanthropy California is working with key state and local partners to monitor these various fires, compiling vetted funds, resources, and events on this response page.
Several wildfires have ravaged Northern California over the past few years. United Way of Northern California is accepting donations, offering help and supporting programs to assist with relief and long-term recovery operations.
The Happy Camp community and surrounding areas have been and continue to be severely impacted by the Slater Fire. With an estimated 150 homes already lost, the need is significant. Relief and recovery will be key to supporting those who have lost so much.
We are working to care for and protect our community, and we are expanding our work to assist victims of the LNU Complex Fires. This is in addition to the assistance for those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic which we have been assisting since we decided to re-activate Undocufund in March.
During fire responses, Direct Relief provides N-95 masks, medicine, and other resources to healthcare agencies and first responders in wildfire-affected communities across California.
Overview Philanthropy California Response
Philanthropy California is an alliance of Northern California, Southern California, and San Diego Grantmakers.
This fund supports firefighters, first responders, and communities impacted by wildfires throughout North America. Your gift will benefit the brave firefighters keeping our neighborhoods safe as well as the most vulnerable families who have suffered extreme loss in the fires.
Join us for a virtual series aimed at funders interested in wildfire resilience and how it intersects with public health, equity, and climate change.
Investors Contribute $100 Million to Direct Impact Dollars to California Communities
Report released, Thursday, September 17, 2020
What practices help buy ourselves up amid continued suffering, outsized need, and needless violence and put our shoulders behind possibility, transformative movements, and new connection? How do we maintain steadiness and clear-sightedness about the steps toward a future worth living?
With much at stake in this upcoming election, Philanthropy has an opportunity to make a difference for our democracy. The final results of the November 2020 election, Census 2020, and redistricting will influence where our energies are needed in the years ahead.
Better California is a movement organizing philanthropy to support a thriving, just, and inclusive California.
Join Nonprofit Finance Fund and Philanthropy California to advance full cost practices for the nonprofit sector by participating in a remote learning series this December. This workshop series invites you to take what you’ve learned as a nonprofit leader or funder and help pave the way for others to have transformative conversations about more equitable funding practices.
The Full Cost Project is a joint initiative of Philanthropy California and Nonprofit Finance Fund to support a funding model that honestly assesses the full cost for organizations to deliver on their missions and to be sustainable over time. We are bringing together education, advocacy, and skill-building with the goal to increase the number of funders that provide full cost funding and to build the skills and capacity of all those engaged in grantmaking – foundations, corporations, individuals, and government.
Philanthropy California is an alliance of Northern California Grantmakers (NCG), Southern California Grantmakers (SCG), and Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties (Catalyst).
Foundation Stats: California, is an initiative of Candid in partnership with Philanthropy California. It provides an at-a-glance overview of institutional philanthropic information for the State of California and its composite regions. This dashboard updates daily as new data comes online.
We are at an exciting time in our history. We are expanding upon our more than 40-year legacy of building relationships between the private and public sectors while enhancing the impact of individual and collaborative projects for the public good.